Updated 01 June 2022


Emes Europe AS (hereinafter referred to as “EMES”) is committed to protect the privacy of its customers. Thispolicy sets out how we process personal data. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect and use personal data when EMES is the Data Controller or in other situations to which this policy applies. “Personal data” refers to information about you or another person that can be identified.

2.Data Controller

EMES’s CEO is the Data Controller for all data and determines the purpose of the processing of personal data. However, the Data Controller may assign tasks to subordinates and may delegate the day-to-day responsibility for the processing of personal data where necessary to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Norwegian Personal Data Act and the provisions set down in this policy.Please to do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about this policy or about our processing of personal data in general:

E-mail address: contact@emes-europe.com

Postal address: Skatvegen 11, 6652 Surnadal

EMES recommends that you do not send any sensitive or confidential information via e- mail.

3.Collection and use of personal data

EMES’s processing of personal data is based either on contractual fulfilment or legitimate interest. The personal data that we collect is used solely for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. EMES shall ensure that any personal data processed is not subsequently used for purposes that are not in accordance with the original purpose of the collection of such personal data unless the customer consents to such use.

The personal data that we collect, and use shall be adequate and relevant for the purpose of the processing and shall be correct and up to date.

EMES’s procedures for the processing of personal data are secure. Data is stored securely so that it cannot be used improperly and so that the requirements concerning privacy, confidentiality and accessibility set down in the Norwegian Personal Data Act are met.

Only selected EMES employees have access to personal data. Access is managed using password-based access control. EMES has proper access control procedures in place.

We collect personal data for the purposes specified below.

3.1 Registration and use of EMES EvPro

When you create an EMES EvPro user account and use EMES EvPro, we will collect and store the data you provide to us. This data includes:

• Name

• E-mail address

• Mobile telephone number

• Location data and language

• Charging history

Personal data is processed in relation to EMES EvPro features. This is necessary to enable users to confirm their identity, both when creating a user profile and when logging in to use the profile. EMES may also use your personal data to contact you in connection with customer support queries if necessary.

EMES processes your charging history. This processing is necessary for us to be able to fulfil our obligations under the agreement entered with the customer. This ensures that you are able to charge using chargers and installations that require internal approval, manage installations and charging stations, view the charging history for an installation, view your own charging history and log into the app.

3.2 Purchases

When you purchase a product or service from EMES, we will record the following data:

• Name

• Billing address

• Payment information

• Mobile telephone number (optional)

• E-mail address

• Purchase history

• Product type and serial number

When you purchase a product or service from EMES, we process your personal data so that we can process the order, finalize, and complete the transaction and issue invoices. We store your purchase history to be able to confirm your rights under warranty.

3.3 Support inquiries

When you contact our support team, we may store personal data such as

• Customer name

• Telephone number

• Address

• E-mail address

• Location

• Diagnostics and meter readings

EMES may use personal data to customize user support and improve customer service by means of complete data on usage, error messages, etc.

3.4 EMES-europe.com

When you visit EMES-europe.com we collect data about

• The pages you visit

• How you use the pages

We use cookies to collect this data. Cookies are standard form of technology used by most websites today. A cookie is a small text file that is retained by your web browser. It allows us to see what users look at, how they navigate the website and how the website content works. We also collect data about navigation, the time of visits and your web browser version and similar so that we can customize the website content for you as a user.

We collect and process data about what you look at to improve the performance and visibility of the website.

3.5 Customer contact

We may collect the following data when you contact EMES via e-mail or chat:

• Name

• E-mail address

EMES may use the e-mail address of an existing customer to provide information about EMES’s services and products. We will only use the personal data we have about you to send offers and information about our products if you have explicitly consented to this. In this regard, we will, among other things, use the data we have about your previous purchases to provide you with offers that we think you may be interested in. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting contact@emes-europe.com

We will store personal data such as name, address and/or telephone number, gender, date of birth, interests, etc. only if you explicitly consent to participate in a survey, competition, promotion or similar on our website and depending on what is requested in the promotion or user survey in question.

4.Sharing of personal data

In certain cases, your personal data may be shared with other companies or organizations, if there is a lawful basis for doing so.

4.1 Other companies within the group and partners

We may share personal data with other companies in the EMES group and partners if this is necessary to fulfil EMES’s contractual obligations to you. The data shared by EMES will not be used by the receiving company for any purpose other than those specified in this policy.

4.2 Third parties and external suppliers

We use the following types of external suppliers:

• Service provider

• Maintenance Companies

• Carriers

• Electrical installers

We may disclose your contact details and other relevant data we have recorded about you to a supplier if you order external services.

If you have consented to electronic marketing, we also use the following types of external service providers:

• Ad networks, such as Google and Facebook

• Agencies, such as marketing agencies, statistics agencies, and analytics agencies

Your contact details and other relevant data we have recorded about you may be disclosed to these service providers. We use this type of service provider to provide you with relevant ads, offers, content and recommendations and to perform analytics to improve and further develop our services. We also measure how well we succeed in this using, among other things, questionnaires.

4.3 Installation owners

The charging history for charging stations operated by EMES can be viewed by users assigned to an owner role for the charging stations. These owners can view and export (download) usage data for their charging stations. Usage data may include personal data, such as e-mail address, name, user ID and the charging cards used. Owners may use usage data for e.g., billing, monitoring and statistical purposes. EMES requires owners to process exported data prudently and to delete the data when it is no longer required. EMES is not liable for owners’ use of such data. Please contact the installation owner if you require further details about how they use, and process exported usage data.

4.4 Public authorities, etc.

In special cases, personal data may be disclosed to a relevant public authority or other agencies where required by law.

5. Data Retention

EMES retains personal data for as long as is necessary to provide the services you have requested, and for purposes such as compliance with legal obligations. We are required by Law to retain some types of information for certain periods of time such as financial records, personal data will be deleted or anonymized thereafter.

6.Your rights

You have the right to know which personal data EMES holds about you, and you have the right to access the data. You have the right to update incomplete, incorrect, unnecessary, or outdated personal data. You have the right to request that your personal data be deleted and to request a copy of the data in a machine-readable format. You have the right to object to or restrict data processing under certain circumstances, such as if you believe that the data contains errors or that the processing is unlawful.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or wish to exercise your rights as a Data Subject.


You have the right to complain to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority if you believe that we have violated data protection legislation, but we encourage you to contact us before submitting such a complaint.

You can find information about how to contact the Norwegian Data Protection Authority on the authority’s website: www.datatilsynet.no.

8.Changes to this Privacy Policy

We periodically need to update this Privacy Policy to provide correct information about how we process your personal data. We will inform you separately in the event of significant changes. You consent to the new Privacy Policy by continuing to use EMES’s products and services. Updated information is available on our website.

Emes Europe AS

Skatevegen 11

6652 Surnadal


E-mail: contact@emes-europe.com